Based on your feedback we developed the Youth Adventure Kit - Sleeper (YAKs).
For those parents anxious about the comprehensive array of outdoor essentials found in our Flagship YAK, and thinking about what are the absolute, basic items a student should have, we created the YAKs. The YAKs is the core of the wildly popular Flagship YAK. We listened and included the York 70 and the 25° F Celeste 1000 Sleeping System. With the York70 and
Celeste 1000 Sleeping System, your student will have a pack for carrying gear and a comfortably warm sleeping bag/pad to sleep in and on.
The YAK Sleeper includes:
$ 429.99
The YAK makes shopping for new scout gear, student backpacking or outdoor education gear EASY. The YAK includes more than 20 different items... View full product details